CET Statement: Recent Unrest
In light of the recent unrest across the country, we are deeply saddened by the violent and disruptive actions that have affected our nation. We remain committed to our core…
In light of the recent unrest across the country, we are deeply saddened by the violent and disruptive actions that have affected our nation. We remain committed to our core…
Last Friday, numerous cakes, biscuits, buns and hot drinks were devoured across all of our Trust schools for CET’s Big Coffee Morning, in an effort to raise money for the…
Please see the update letter regarding reopening information Thank you Letter- Reopening of school 8th March 2021
Friday 12th February is Messy Hair Day As part of Children’s Mental Health and Well-being awareness we are using the theme ‘Express Yourself’ to get creative with our hairstyles. …
Tuesday 9th February is Safer Internet Day The children have been having lessons on keeping safe online Check out these websites for guidance: Thinkuknow – home UK Safer Internet Centre…
Water Bottle (filled) – no juice please Book Bag Coat Hat and Gloves ( In colder weather) Wellington Boots to be left in school wherever possible.
Please order your child’s lunches through the Lunch Shop App or by accessing www.lunchshop.co.uk.