Welcome to Loweswater! 

In Loweswater, we are a busy class of amazing Year 5 and Year 6 children. We are taught by Miss King and our teaching assistant is Miss Ismay.


Our Curriculum

In Year 5 and 6, we strive to ‘Be the Best We Can Be’ in everything we do. We are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities around school to promote our personal development and further develop our core values of respect, responsibility and resilience. Some of our roles are: Sports Leaders, Learning Buddies, Librarians and School Councillors. We begin each day with an arithmetic session to sharpen our mathematical fluency and make us confident mathematicians, this is followed by a taught maths lesson. As the complexity and length of what we read and write increases, so does our challenge in our daily English, reading and spelling lessons. We encounter increasingly challenging vocabulary, comprehension, spelling rules, grammatical structures and rules and lots of different text types! To maximise our learning, apply a range of skills and promote a broad, balanced curriculum our afternoons are filled with a range of interesting curriculum subjects, such as: science, computing, history, geography, art and design, design and technology, French, music, PSHE, PE and RE. All of our learning is designed to build on the skills and knowledge that we have learnt both this year and from previous year groups. To learn more about our curriculum coverage this half term, check out the Curriculum section of the website and look for our overview.

In Year 6, all children will sit their SATs in May. We fully prepare children to ensure that they know what to expect and give them their chance to do their best. Miss Skivington delivers a parent information session to let you know what to expect for your child and how you can help.


What does my child need to bring to school each day?

Your child will need the following in school every day:

  • water bottle
  • full school uniform, including school shoes
  • reading book
  • PE kit (we suggest that they bring this to school at the start of the week and take it home again to be washed at the end of the week or the end of the half term)
  • packed lunch (if they have one)

PLEASE label everything with your child’s name. It makes it much easier to find lost clothing when it is labelled.


How can I help my child at home?

READ! We ask that all children read to/with an adult at home for at least 15 minutes each day. Sharing stories with your child builds a love of reading and develops children’s reading skills; their understanding of new words and the world around them. It is so important to read with your child every day, even as they become more independent readers.

Reading & comprehension: Age 9–10 (Year 5) – Oxford Owl

Reading & comprehension: Age 10–11 (Year 6) – Oxford Owl  – Top Tips for reading at home with your child


Reading, Writing and Spelling

To help your child with their literacy skills, you could:

  • tell stories
  • enjoy books together
  • imagine stories together and write stories down – we would love to hear them in school!
  • read books, magazines, subtitles on the TV, newspapers, eBooks, comics – anything and everything!
  • encourage children to speak in full sentences and use correct grammar
  • spot spelling patterns they have been learning in the words you read with them and write these out in different sentences
  • write cards to family, friends or neighbours
  • write letters
  • make posters about something they are interested in
  • visit the library and encourage your child to choose books they enjoy reading
  • write a diary
  • write speeches to persuade about something that they feel strongly about
  • log in to Spelling Shed to practise spelling rules
  • challenge each other to learn a new word and use it
  • watch Grammarsaurus or BBC Bitesize videos to learn about grammatical rules and word types

Try the links below at home:

Sing with Grammarsaurus

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press


Spelling and Grammar, English Games for 7-11 Years – Topmarks

ictgames || html5 English Games Page



To help your child with maths, you could try:

  • tell the time with analogue and digital clocks
  • use public transport, ask your child to plan which bus/train you will need to take using the timetable
  • read and write numbers up to 1,000,000
  • spot Roman Numerals
  • recall times tables up to 12 x 12 and the related division facts
  • recall square and cube numbers
  • count backwards from 0 using negative numbers
  • baking together, using the scales to help measure ingredients and add quantities together
  • convert different units of measure – litres to millilitres, grams to kilograms
  • finding fractions of different amounts
  • add and subtract numbers with more than four digits
  • login to Times Tables Rockstars
  • add up prices in the supermarket or work out your change
  • work out whether it is cheaper to buy a single item or a multipack and by how much
  • time how long challenges take and work out the difference
  • convert hours into minutes, minutes into hours, minutes into seconds, weeks into days or years to months to find out how long something will take
  • go shape spotting and count the number of sides, vertices (corners), edges, faces
  • use a map to find coordinates

Here are a few websites that could help:

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)

Mental Maths Tests and Games (topmarks.co.uk)

ictgames || html5 Home Page


Fun maths games and activities – Oxford Owl for Home

KS2 Maths – BBC Bitesize

Free Online Math Games for Kids | Play Math Games – SplashLearn

Games and Interactives (maths.org)

Math Games | Math Playground | Make Learning Fun


Getting in touch with us

All of our staff are more than happy to help you with any questions that you may have, please call the office or pop in to arrange an appointment. We are here to help!

Remember to keep an eye on our Facebook page to see what your child has been up to. We post regular pictures to show off how fun learning is, how amazing our children are, celebrate successes and invite you to school events.

Loweswater Class Overview Spring 1