Hello and welcome to Coniston’s class page!
Coniston class is made up of Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. Our class teacher is Miss Huggon and Miss Hodgson is our teaching assistant.
Our Curriculum
In Year 1 and 2 we work hard to ‘Be the Best We Can Be’ in everything that we do. Our aim is to ensure all children become effective readers, writers and mathematicians in Key Stage 1 so that they are able to flourish as they move throughout our phase and on into Key Stage 2. To do this, we prioritise our reading and phonics sessions, which happen daily. The skills children have acquired in their phonics sessions are then applied across the curriculum. We also have daily arithmetic and writing sessions to develop fluency and confidence to support children with their basic skills as these are vital foundations for the future. We provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum in Coniston which gives all children the opportunity to thrive and achieve success. We do this through a range of subjects, including: science, computing, geography, history, design and technology, art, music, PSHE, RE and PE. To learn more about what we are teaching this half term, head to our curriculum page to find Coniston’s class overview.
What does my child need to bring to school each day?
Your child will need the following in school every day:
- water bottle
- full school uniform, including school shoes
- reading book and reading record
- PE kit (we suggest that they bring this to school at the start of the week and take it home again to be washed every Friday)
- packed lunch (if they have one)
PLEASE label everything with your child’s name. It makes it much easier to find lost clothing when it is labelled.
How can I help my child at home?
READ! We ask that all children read to an adult at home for at least 15 minutes each day. Sharing stories with your child builds a love of reading and develops children’s reading skills and their understanding of new words and the world around them. It is so important to read with your child every day.
Reading, Writing and Spelling
To help your child with their literacy skills, you could:
- tell stories
- enjoy books together
- imagine stories together and encourage writing stories down – we would love to hear them in school!
- read books, magazines, subtitles on the TV, newspapers, eBooks, shop signs – anything and everything!
- visit the library
- encourage children to speak in full sentences and use correct grammar
- spot spelling patterns or the sounds they have been learning in the words you read with them
- write cards to family, friends or neighbours
- write letters
- make posters about something they are interested in
- play teachers and ask them to teach you their spelling rule or sound of the day
Try the links below at home:
ictgames || html5 English Games Page
To help your child with maths, you could try:
- telling the time
- counting forwards and backwards
- counting up and down in twos, fives, tens and even threes
- baking together, using the scales to help measure ingredients
- finding 1/2, 1/4 or 1/3
- spotting shapes and counting the edges, vertices (corners) and sides
- finding items in the shop that add up to 50p or £1
- working out how much change they should get
- practising what adds to one number to get 10, 20 or 100
- roll dice and add the numbers together
- login to one of the maths games linked below
Here are a few websites that could help:
Duck Shoot – tablet friendly (ictgames.com)
Fun maths games and activities – Oxford Owl for Home
Free Online Math Games for Kids | Play Math Games – SplashLearn
Games and Interactives (maths.org)
Math Games | Math Playground | Make Learning Fun
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Getting in touch with us
All of our staff are more than happy to help you with any questions that you may have, please call the office or pop in to arrange an appointment. We are here to help!
Remember to keep an eye on our Facebook page to see what your child has been up to. We post regular pictures to show off how fun learning is, how amazing our children are, celebrate successes and invite you to school events.
Please ensure that you have updated any contact details with the school office to make sure that you receive communications via ParentMail.