Our Nursery is opening in September 2024

In an exciting new development, Newtown Primary School is reopening its Nursery class from September 2024. We recognise that there is a shortage of Nursery places in the area which we want to respond to. We are fortunate to be able to offer a dedicated and highly experienced staff, including a qualified teacher, to support children through their time in Early Years.

You can see what our nursery looks like below:

Our Early Years unit includes Reception-aged children so there will be an amazing opportunity for your child to transition into Reception in the following school year. Our school day will consist of many opportunities for children to develop their spoken language through phonics, games and regular interaction with staff with high staffing ratios. Our outdoor area is AstroTurfed and provides an all-weather area to explore den building, building outdoor blocks and creating exciting small world stories. We also have a range of climbing frames, sand pits, water play and loose parts that encourage children to build strength and balance skills.

The best way to find out more about us is to come and take a look around. Our admin staff are happy to show prospective parents and children around during the school day and teaching staff will always be available after school if you have specific questions that you wish to discuss.

Dependent on your work circumstances, you are eligible for between 15 and 30 Government-funded hours that can be used to fund your child’s place.

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, they will be eligible to apply for a place.


We use an online learning journal in Nursery called Tapestry, to celebrate children’s learning and development. This builds a special record of the children’s experiences, development and learning journey and this is shared with parents. We do this by adding photos, videos and diary entries.

Smile 4 Life

We are a Smile4Life school. This means that we work with children and families to lay solid foundations for good oral health throughout life. Smile4Life provide each child in Nursery with a toothbrush and toothpaste to use in school and also a set to take home with them.