At Newtown Primary School, we believe that all our children have the potential to succeed in Mathematics. 

We believe that mathematics is essential to everyday life. It is of central importance within our ever changing world. Critical within science, engineering and technology . Mathematical and financial literacy are necessary requirements for future employment and, indeed, independent life. A progressive, high-quality curriculum provides the basis for this principle. We are committed to ensuring that all of our children enjoy mathematics, experience success in the subject and fulfil their individual potential. We aim to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all and maximises outcomes for all. To support this, we are committed to the ongoing continued professional development of staff within our school and their individual subject knowledge. 

In line with the National Curriculum (2014), our aim is to ensure all children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics.
  • Can recall known facts and apply learnt knowledge rapidly accuracy. 
  • Are able to reason mathematically with increasing sophistication as they progress through the curriculum.
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics in different contexts. 
  • Use and understand a wide range of age-appropriate mathematical language to discuss, explain and justify their mathematical thinking and reasoning. 
  • Utilise the Concrete, Pictorial and abstract method of teaching to scaffold the acquisition of skills. 
  • Apply mathematical knowledge across the curriculum in science and other subjects relating mathematical knowledge and skills to real life situations. 
  • Consolidate learning and concepts through repetition and timely intervention where necessary.


Newtown Primary School Calculation Policy