At Newtown Primary School, we are a community and strive to support everyone within our community. Please come and speak to us if you feel you require support.


Most of the general advice for parents, carers and young people can be found at:

Additional sources of advice and support:

NSPCC: The NSPCC website has a range of information and resources for parents and carers.

Anna Freud: Provides a range of specialist types for support for children, young people and families

Young Minds: The Young Minds Website has a parents and professionals section as well as advice and moderated blogs for young people and a free telephone.
Parents Helpline Tel: 0808 802 5544.

Rise Above: Health and wellbeing website by Public Health England that covers everything including emotional wellbeing, friendships, self-care; also has games, videos etc. online support for young people: Kooth is a web-based confidential support service available to young people aged 11 to 18yrs, providing a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people. It offers the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor.

Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis. Young people can access regular booked online counselling sessions as needed. Outside counselling hours’ young people can message our team and get support by the next day. Support can be gained through counselling and also articles, forums and discussion boards. All content is age appropriate, clinically approved and fully moderated.

To find out more visit where young people can register and others can find out more about the service.
Laura Berry, Kooth Integration and Participation Worker for Cumbria can be contacted at or by calling 07535 088117

5 – 19 School Age Public Health Nurse Practitioner Service: E-school Nurse it is now available for professionals AND parents across the age ranges – however it is about general health needs not just mental health. See attached for details.

5-19 PH Website – the team are constantly updating with information and ideas on their website.

The link below takes you to a recently published guide for educational settings and schools on sudden traumatic death and bereavement prefaced by a COVID 19 section:

My Time Cumbria (Barnardos) Primary Care Mental Health Service:
Initial telephone advice can be obtained from the Primary Mental Health Workers who can be contacted as below: (Tel 07510 586358) (Tel 01539 742626)

My Time has put in place a new model of working throughout Cumbria, to provide support during the COVID-19 Pandemic. All new referrals will have a Primary Assessment Meeting online, through an approved platform, or by telephone as part of a three stage process. The administration team will continue to allocate assessments as referrals are received. Those who are currently receiving a service will continue via telephone. Young people who have been contacted are continuing their interventions with the practitioners allocated to them.

Referrals can be made directly by contacting My Time on the number below:

MyTime Cumbria Telephone: 01539 742626 (Working Days: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)

My Time will continue to triage with CAMHS on a daily basis and will also support Early Help to ensure that young people referred to services access the correct service at the earliest opportunity. They will continue to offer online and telephone support to professionals across the County and support them with identifying suitable and relevant interventions that are available.

CAMHS Support (North Cumbria): Where CYP are experiencing serious mental health issues (currently as staffing allows). The West Team can be contacted on 01900 603985. The East Team (includes Carlisle) can be contacted on 01228 608870.

North Cumbria Crisis Assessment and Intervention Service (CAIS): Where young people feel they are in a mental health crisis, referrals can be made by any professional (with appropriate permissions) by ringing 01228 603964. Telephone assessment and support will be given initially. Available 9am-8pm Monday-Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday and Sunday. (This service is now part of the Adult MH Crisis Service).



To help families with the cost of living crisis, the Government has launched the following website which includes information and  support on household costs, energy bills, income support, child care costs, transport costs and help to find work.

Cumbria County Council have followed this up with their own support scheme. The “Household Support Grant” funds support for families experiencing food and utility bills hardship. Access the “Ways to Welfare” link for more support and information:


Click to apply to the Carlisle Foodbank for help with food and meals.


Have you got any old black shoes or ANY school uniform items your child has grown out of? Why not donate them to school and we can host swap shops?!

We will take a stick list of all donations and if families wish to make requests for items, free of charge, we will do what we can to give you what you need!

Please make all donations to Mrs Rogers! Thank you in advance


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